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March 2017

 (Note : This one is shared article and rewrite by author just for          sharing knowledge )


Studying isn’t one task, it’s many. You may need to memorize facts or just understand the basics. You might need a broad conceptual base, or just skills. To add even more variety, each person has different learning styles and preferences.
No one tool is the right one. But with fifty here, you’re bound to find something that might help.

1) Visualization

The idea here is that you want to put abstract information into a picture. If you are struggling to understand a concept, visualization is a good technique to start with.

2) Rote Memorization

I’m not a huge fan of this method, but sometimes brute force is required. Rote memorization involves pounding information into your brain by repeating it continually. Works best when the information is arbitrary and fact-based, so applications won’t go beyond simple memory.

3) Interlinking

Take two ideas and ask yourself how they relate. They can be ideas within a specific field (short roads) or between two completely different fields (freeways). By doing this you create a roadmap for traveling between information in your brain.

4) Metaphor

Take a more complex idea and compare it to a simpler one. When learning computer programming, I found it helpful to look at a function like a pencil sharpener. A parameter was a dull pencil, inside processes sharpened and returned a sharp pencil. Some metaphors have limited applications while others can be used for deep understanding.

5) Diagram

Draw it out. I love using diagrams for sorting large pieces of information. When I used to write computer programs fairly heavily, my desktop would have pieces of paper with hastily scratched diagrams. I consider creating a diagram to be the upgraded version of visualization.

6) Fluid Notes

Most people take notes in a linear fashion, writing one statement after the next. Fluid notes may look less organized, but involves you drawing connections between ideas and writing in all directions across the page. Remember the point of note taking is to encourage learning, not just record what was said.

7) Acronyms

A bit more efficient than rote memorization is to use mnemonics. Acronyms simplifying memorized information are a great way to do this. When I used to lifeguard, I had memorized all sorts of acronyms for various procedures such as RED or ABC. Make up your own acronyms to store arbitrary info.

8) Link Method

This is an advanced memory technique. I’ve found it works surprisingly well, but it takes longer to set up and requires practice if you want to do it quickly. The basic idea is that you link two ideas together by forming a bizarre picture that involves both of them.
If I wanted to memorize a grocery list that had apples, milk and beans, my goal would be to create two images that linked apples to milk and milk to beans. The first could be a picture of a giant apple milking a cow. The second could be a milk container that poured baked beans.

9) Peg Method

A variation of the link method, this one helps you memorize numbers. Instead of linking two pictures together, you use a system of phonetics to remember all the digits. From that you create short words and sentences to encode numbers. This article isn’t enough to fully explain the technique, but a Google search should give more depth if you’re interested.

10) Retracing

Another technique that works well with holistic learning is retracing. Basically this involves you starting with one concept in your class. From that you find a relationship between that idea and another idea. You continue doing this path until you get back where you started or reach a dead end.

11) Zoom and Check

Skim through any material you have to learn. Your goal isn’t to learn the information but to notice what you don’t already know. If more than one or two ideas pop out in a chapter, you should probably stop and go back.

12) Self-Test

Give yourself a test. Testing is a good way to see if you know what your doing, so try it out.

13) Anthropomorphize

Sounds complicated but isn’t. Anthropomorphizing is the process of taking non-human things and giving them human characteristics. Describing a rock as being lonely would be an example. You can use this tool by giving abstract ideas human qualities so they become easier to remember.
A great example was given by my psychology professor. He showed how signals are conducted along a neuron by describing it as people running down the hallway of a hotel, as doors opened and closed.

14) Visceralize

Similar to visualization except you use all your senses. This one is harder to explain, but you can create a feeling, sound or sense that corresponds with an idea. I remembered how to do basic matrix determinants by linking the feeling of my hand moving through a box.

15) Leverage Previous Understandings

What do you already know that could be useful? Make use of the information you already have. Many times the specifics between subjects are different, but founding principles are similar. Look for connections.

16) Gap Avoidance

I’ve made use of this technique to pass tests I didn’t study for. Although I always recommend actually learning information first, this can be a booster to help in a crisis. The basic idea of gap avoidance is that you become aware of what you don’t know and collect everything that you do.
I once won an inter-province chemistry test where one question was to write an essay on soap. I know very little about soap, so my first step was to collect anything I knew that could be remotely related to soap. Next I made note of what I did not know, so I could consciously avoid displaying my ignorance when writing the essay.
I’d like to point out that this technique isn’t magical. If you don’t know something, you’ll still probably fail. But it can help if you are missing pieces of information and can’t go back to study.

17) Brainstorming

Get a couple people in a room and think it out. I find one or two other people to be ideal, although some experts recommend up to six.

18) Mindstorming

Consider this individual brainstorming. Write down all the ideas, thoughts and information you can think of. A brain dump to get it all out on paper.

19) Relationship Diagrams

Diagrams that focus on the relationship between information are a great tool. Instead of just displaying information, show how it links together. Combined with fluid note taking, this is a great way to piece all the information together.

20) Give it a Hand

Use your fingers and thumbs as a memory tool. Link different words or names to specific fingers and memorize which go where. There are limits to this application, but it can be useful if a good acronym doesn’t come immediately.

21) Imaginary Room Method

A reader sent me this one and it builds on the link technique. Imagine a room you are familiar with. Now visualize all the major objects in this room. The next step is to individually link specific information or details to each object in your room.
Another variation on this technique uses your body instead of a room. I suppose it depends on whether you are more visual or visceral in your learning style.

22) Make it Interesting

Sounds obvious, doesn’t it? You’ll remember information you find more satisfying to know. Find ways you can use the information beyond just getting a grade and it will become more real to you.

23) Teach It

Find someone and explain it to them. Nothing forces you to learn better than teaching.

24) The Kindergarten Rule

Similar to teaching, the kindergarten rule proclaims that you should be able to explain your subject to a six year old. While this isn’t going to work for your advanced level calculus or biochemical courses, the idea is that you should dumb down the information so it becomes obvious.

25) Song or Story

Another memorizing technique, this one links information together by placing it in a sequence of a song or a story. You could list all the bones in your hand by creating a story in which you meet each of them in sequence.

26) Chunking

Learn for fifteen minutes at a time. Take frequent breaks and let your mind absorb what was learned. I never do creative or learning work for more than an hour or two without a change in pace.

27) Watch the Recorder

Are you learning or just reading sentences off the page? Be conscious of when your mind has slipped but your eyes are still gazing down. When the recorder stops, go back and restart.

28) Learn it Once

What would you do if you could only look through your textbook once? The learn-it-once philosophy basically states that studying is a waste of time. You should learn things immediately as they come to you rather than delegating them to future study sessions. It may be slower, but it forces you to learn instead of just skim.

29) Define Quality Information

What information is important? Define your goals for learning and the expectations of any examiners. By doing this you can figure out what information is critical to memorize and what can be skimmed.

30) Cram

I hate cramming, but it seems popular enough for me to include it anyways. Put on another pot of coffee and expect little sleep.

31) Immersion

This involves learning way more than you need to. The equivalent of diving into the deep end of a pool full of sharks it can be one of the fastest ways to learn (if you don’t get eaten alive). I know many people who have used this method when trying to learn new languages. Basically you become obsessed with the subject and hope that if only a small fraction of it sticks, that will still be more than you could have learned by any other method.

32) Learn as You Need It

Opposite to the immersion method is the learn-as-you-go method. This works great when the learning is for a field where mastery isn’t important. I used this approach when learning the technical matters of blogging.

33) Pop Quiz

My grandfather used this to teach my multiplication table when I was little. At random points during the day he would say something like, “Quick! What’s 8×12?”. This method might require an understanding friend or a complex computer program, but it can force you to remember information in any situation.

34) Give it Form

Don’t let an idea sit as an abstraction in your head. Give it a shape, form, color and meaning. Use your hands to describe it as a potter would sculpt a bowl on a potters wheel.

35) Sleep on It

Sleep has been shown to impact memory. Take time to rest yourself and get enough sleep so that you can remember what you have learned.

36) Complete Focus

Occasionally I’ll see people “studying” while listening to music or watching television. Although they may have a gift in multitasking I wasn’t born with, I think it is more likely that they are fooling themselves. Turn off all the distractions and focus completely or don’t focus at all.

37) Ask Why

Ever sat next to one of those annoying kids that asked “Why?” to everything you said? Maybe it’s time you became that annoying kid and started asking why to more of the information you are supposed to learn. When information forms a logical pattern it becomes far easier to remember.

38) Find Your Peak Mental Hours

Everyone has different creative peaks. Mine tend to be early afternoon and late morning. When I try to work late in the evening I’m restless. When I try to work early in the morning my mind is usually too fuzzy to think. Find your peak mental hours so studying works for you.

39) Exercise

Cal Newport, mentioned these next two on his blog. This first is exercising. Healthy body, healthy mind. I’ve found the stereotype of the dumb jock to be fairly inaccurate. Usually the people who keep fit are able to stay sharper mentally.

40) Burn Off Stress

Party, mediate, socialize, whatever you need to do to relax. Being in a depressed state won’t help your studies, so have fun and find a balance. Then again, hangovers aren’t the best way to write an exam so know where to draw the line.

41) Create

Learning and creating are, in essence, the same activity. Don’t let learning become a passive activity where you try to absorb information. Instead create information. Form your own relationships, descriptions and examples.

42) Get a Tutor

Get personalized instructions that match up with your learning style. Don’t force a square peg into a circular hole if you don’t have to.

43) Know Thy Weaknesses

Did you get a bad mark on that last test. Why? Was it just a lack of preparation. Did you not remember the information, or did you have trouble applying it? Figure out your weaknesses so you can develop tools (or use these) to work around them.

44) Post It’s

Place Post It’s all over your room with information from subjects. Mix them up every few days so that you will notice them as you walk around.

45) Organize

I must admit that organization has always been a struggle for me. I’m far more inclined towards total environmental chaos and lost files than robotic storage. But I have found that working on my organizational skills allows me more mental room to learn. Ordered environment, ordered mind.

46) Create a Learning Ritual

I can’t think of article ideas if I’m not sitting in my chair. If I try going for a walk or sitting somewhere else, my mind doesn’t focus. I’ve developed a ritual for writing posts that makes it difficult to do anything else. The advantage is that when I go through this ritual, I can think of ideas fairly quickly. Creating a learning ritual where you study or read in the same place can create a similar advantage.

47) Performance Flow

I’m incredibly relaxed when I’m about to write tests. I’m rarely nervous, but I have a degree of tension that keeps me focused. If you get too nervous during performance situations, try breathing and meditation exercises to slow yourself down.

48) Eat Light

Digestion uses a large amount of energy in your body. By eating light before studying or a test you can ensure you don’t feel groggy.

49) Write it Down

Writing is one of the best ways to learn. I use it for problem solving, brainstorming and working out ideas. Thinking is a rather inefficient process where distractions easily push you onto a tangent. By writing things down you can record your position and think more clearly.

50) Grades are Just Letters

My final suggestion is to stop thinking about classes in terms of grades and degrees. Think of school as just one facet of the larger self-education in your life. Find reasons to learn information for its own sake, instead of just to pass the class. While this may sound obvious, I believe it is the most important tip on this list and the one few people actually use. Study to learn, not just to pass.

(Note : This one is shared article and rewrite by author just for          sharing knowledge )


The Pakistan Super League 2017 was the second season of the Pakistan Super League. Five franchise Twenty20 cricket league which was established by the Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) in 2016.
The tournament featured five teams and was held from 9th February 2016 to 5th March, 2016 in the United Arab Emirates. The opening ceremony and opening match at the tournament was held at Dubai International Cricket Stadium on 9th February. 2017. Over 26000 crowds attended the colourful ceremony in the stadium. The ceremony ended with firework
The player draft for the 2017 season was held in Dubai on 19th October 2016. 414 players. including both Pakistani and international players were divided into five different categories. Each franchise was allowed to pick a maximum at seven foreign players in their squads which could have a maximum of 20 members. A total of 100 players. including 34 foreigners were picked during the draft.
The PSL follows the rules and regulations of ICC Points in group stage were awarded as two points to Winner of the match while zero point to loser and in case of no result of match one point to both teams. Teams were ranked by their number of points while in the case of equal points higher number of worns were counted it still equal then least number of defeats were counted, it still equal then result of head to head meeting and it still equal then highest net run-rate was counted.
Every team played each other twice and the top four teams Peshawar Zalmi. Quetta Gladiators lslamabad United and Karachi Kings qualified for a series of playoff games while Lahore Oalandars failed to qualify for playoff stage. The top 2 teams Peshawar Zalmi and Quetta Gladiators played the first qualifier in which Quetta Gladiators beat Peshawar Zalmi by 1 run. The next two teams Islamabad United and Karachi Kings played an eliminator which Karachi Kings won by 44 runs. The loser of the last
qualifier Peshawar Zalmi and the winner of the eliminator Karachi Kings meet in the second qualifier which Peshawar won by 24 runs.
The final took place on 5th March at Gaddafi Stadium in Lahore, Pakistan it marked the return of high-profile cricket to the country after the 2009 attack on the Sri Lanka national cricket team which forced Pakistan to play all internal home games in the United Arab Emirates due to security concerns.An extensive security and intelligence operation was mounted in Lahore. Teams were flown to Lahore on the day of the final and flew out again after the match was completed.The league had put in place a system to allow teams to replace players who declined to travel to the final.
A closing ceremony featuring performances by Pakistani artists preceded the game to mark the tournament's culmination. The match was followed around the world.
Ouetta won the toss and elected to field first Peshawar scored 148 runs in their innings starting well With Kamran Akmal scoring 40 runs off 32 balls at the top of the order. Quetta's Rayad Emrit took two wickets in the 17th over, leaving the score at 112/6 but Darren Sammy scored 33 runs in the last two overs to post a respectable total in the Ouetta innings.Peshawar‘s left-arm spinner Mohammad Asghar took three wickets which helped to reduce Ouetta to just 90 runs all out in 16.3 overs. Peshawar‘s margin of Victory was 58 runs. Sammy won the Player of the Match award.
The player of the tournament was Kamran Akmal of Peshawar Zalmi. Akmal scored 353 runs Winning the Hanif Mohammad award for top scorer and the lmtiaz Ahmed award for the best wicket-keeper. Sohail Khan of Karachi Kings took 16 wickets to be the leading wicket-taker winners of the Spirit of Cricket award were Quetta Gladiators.

CPEC - (China Pakistan Economic Corridor)

CPEC (China Pakistan Economic Corridor) is an economic corridor between China and Pakistan. At Present, that corridor is an under construction which estimated cost above 54 billion dollars. The aims of this project to connect Gwadar Port in Southwestern Pakistan with Xinjiang in far -Western China. The Project including various infrastructure in terms of energy projects, motorways, Highways and Railways to be built, in order to link Gwadar and karachi with the chinese region.

The Vision and Mission of CPEC is
To improve the lives of people of Pakistan and China by building an economic corridor promoting bilateral connectivity, construction, explore potential bilateral investment, economic and trade, logistics and people to people contact for regional connectivity & It includes:

1) Integrated Transport & IT systems including Road, Rail, Port, Air and Data Communication Channel
2) Energy cooperation
3) Spatial layout, functional zones, industries and industrial parks
4) Agricultural development & poverty alleviation
5) Tourism cooperation & people to people communication
6) Cooperation in livelihood areas
7) Financial cooperation
8) Human Resource Development

The Current form of the project was first proposed by General Perves Musharaf, however it was postponed owing to the political instability in the country.The ex-government of the Pakistan Peoples Party proposed it again when President Asif Ali Zardari invited heads of all the political parties to a Luncheon in honour of the Chinese Premier Li Keqiang at the Aiwan-e-Sadr on 22 May 2013. In February 2014, Pakistani President Mamnoon Hussain visited China to discuss the plans for an economic corridor in Pakistan. Two months later, Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif met with Premier Li Kequiang in China to discuss further plans,resulting in the full scope of the project to be devised under Sharif's tenure. In November 2014, Chinese government announced its intention to finance Chinese companies as part of its $45.6 billion energy and infrastructure.

Under the CPEC Project, major upgrades are sanctioned to Pakistan
& transportation network. Comprise reconstruction and upgrade works on National Highway 35 which forms the Pakistani portion of the Karakoram Highway that spans the 887 Km long.

The Shanghai Electric company of China will construct two 660MW power plants as part of the "Thar-I" project in the Thar coalfield of Sindh Province, while "Thar-ll" will be developed by a separate consortium. The facility will be powered by locally sourced coal, and is expected to be put into commercial use in 2018. Pakistan's National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (NEPRA) has agreed to purchase electricity from both Thar-l and Thar-ll at a tariff of 8.50 US cents/kWh for the first 330 MW of electricity, 8.33 US cents/kWh for the next 660 MW, and 7.99 US cents/kWh for the next 1,099 MW as further phases are developed.

Liquefied natural gas power LNG projects are also considered vital to CPEC. The Chinese government has announced its intention to build a $2.5 billion 711 kilometre long liquid natural gas pipeline from Gwadar to Nawabshah in province as part of CPEC.The project will not only provide gas exporters with access to the Pakistani market, but will also allow China to secure a route for its own imports.

Pakistan Navy and Chinese Navy ships are to jointly guard the safety and security of the CPEC Project, as Pakistan seeks to expand the role of its maritime forces. From December 2016, Pakistan's Navy established a special taskforce "TF-88" to ensure there is maritime security for corridor.

CPEC is considered economically vital to Pakistan in helping it drive economic growth. The Pakistani media and government have called CPEC investments a "game and fate changer" for the region, which would be one of the largest ever sums of foreign direct investment into Pakistan. As a result of improved infrastructure and energy supplies, the Pakistani government expects that economic growth rates will reach 7% by 2018. China Pakistan Economic Corridor is hope of better region of the future with peace, development and growth of economy.


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